You’ve dating this wonderful person for a while now, everything is going perfect on your side but one problem, the person you are seeing is already in a relationship. Many question are probably going through your mind, how can I get this person for myself, when could we be officially together without “that” other person in his life. One thing you have to look out for is whether this person you are dating is actually ready to leave the other person for you. It might be easy for them to say that they will, but as we know “action speaks louder than words”. If the other person is in a relationship and is actually dating you at the same time, it is important to remember that at the end of the day after seeing you, he/she goes back to that other person sharing his/her life and probably forget about you, whilst you still hoping that the person think of you at night or during the day. Many say it is morally wrong, one thing that is important to remember is that you always have to put yourself in the other person shoes, what if yourself was in relationship and you found out that your partner was seeing someone behind your back. How would you feel, both side have to be looked upon. Another point to remember is that even if you end up with that person, the fact is that if they were cheating on the other person with you they might at the end cheating on you at the end, and whilst together you might still wonder whether they will not be seeing someone else behind your back. There are plenty of single people awaiting for the right person therefore it is important not to rush into this kind of relationship when at the end you will get hurt.
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