Fear of losing job or getting fired from your job is always the most dreaded situation, we always think of the bad times ahead and how to get out of the dreadful situation. The fear of losing a job is always a very heartbreaking & can have a huge effect psychologically and can affect also our future work prospect. The recent recession has had a profound effect on the American workforce, and many people are feeling afraid of losing their jobs. This fear is compounded by the fact that in today’s globalized economy it can be hard to find work again if you do lose your job.
Of course there are ways to remain positive throughout this hard times.
1) Have the support of your family and friends during your job loss
During this time you will need all the support from your closest friends and family, they will help you during this hard time and ensure that you remain focus on getting back on your feet. It will be important not isolate yourself.
2) Try to understand , why do you always fear losing your job
Understand what went wrong during the time on the job for you to be found in this situation. Was it due to the management, a colleague or the job? It is important to understand the problem so that you do not get into an identical situation when trying to find your next job. It is important not to over think about the situation one of my favorite quote actually emphasize the situation.
“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could have, would’ve happened… or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on.” Tupac Shakur.
3) Things always get better
It is important not to become depressed when the situation arise and keep our head up and move forward. As soon as the news is given ensure that you request an evaluation of your work during the time you worked thee and also a recommendation letter if possible to be able not to waste time and start looking for your next employer. Remember to always leave in a friendly way n matter how awkward the situation was. In various industry word of mouth goes very fast and everyone knows each other.
Things always get better therefore it is important to move forward and leave the past to the past, you may have lost a job but we never know what better things might await for us in the future, remain positive and confident no matter hard it might be.
Tips o how to manage your fear of being laid off
It’s an uncomfortable feeling to worry about losing a job. But there are some simple steps you can take that may help manage your fear of being laid off:
- Focusing on yourself by taking care of both body and mind (e.g., eating well, exercising, spending time with friends/family) is key if the worst does happen and it helps reduce stress in general when we stay healthy! Plus these habits will also make us more attractive candidates for employers looking to hire new staff members; so win-win right? Make sure not to neglect sleep though as this should have priority over everything else because without enough rest our immune system won’t be able to fight illness or injury properly which could bring all sorts of unwanted problems.
- A feeling of dread can be a very uncomfortable thing to have. It’s an experience that never really ends and may seem like you’re picking yourself up from one disaster only for another one to take its place, but it doesn’t need to be this way! There are many things we recommend doing if the unfortunate should happen and, although they might not all work out exactly as planned in your case, at least you’ll know what needs done next when faced with job loss
- It can be an uncomfortable feeling to feel like you’re going to lose a job and this fear may seem unending.
Have you found ways of better dealing with stress? This will make it easier for your mind not get overwhelmed so quickly, which is important if the situation seems as though there’s no foreseeable solution in sight.