What is the difference between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy one?
In general, relationships are defined by four components: communication, conflict resolution, commitment, and emotional intimacy. When two people have all of these things in place they can create a very fulfilling life together. If any of these components are missing or damaged then it makes for a less satisfying experience for both partners.
Most people probably know that their relationship isn’t as good as it should be when they feel like their partner doesn’t care about them anymore or when they don’t feel like talking to each other anymore because nothing seems to change no matter what you try.
But how do you know if your relationship is on the right track?
Be true to yourself
Emotionally healthy relationships: Let’s imagine this scenario. You’re just starting a relationship, and you do all those things that you know don’t come naturally to your personality because the other person seems like it really makes them happy; but once you’ve been in the relationship for awhile, it becomes harder and harder to keep up with doing these romantic gestures.
Be yourself in emotionally healthy relationships
You should not only be truthful to the woman you are dating but also yourself.
The problem is that you have been dishonest about your intentions and this will eventually lead to resentment on both sides if things do not work out. So, as I always tell my friends: don’t date women in order for them like or respect you more; just stay true to who you really are so they can see how great of a person that actually makes up all parts of what make YOU unique! If she likes being with someone genuine then there’s already something special between the two of y’all before anything else even happens because it means her feelings were strong enough from day one where she was able to accept whatever may happen during your first few dates together.
Improve your relationship
So be truthful to yourself, start the relationship by doing things you know you can still do in the future, do not do some magical stuff that you never do in the bedroom just to impress him/her, as later on if you cannot reproduce those the other person will start questioning whether you are trustworthy person as if you can deceive them by not being yourself, what else you may have lied about or done to impress them and to keep them interested in you. So always be yourself on dates and in the relationship, you are who you are.