ldr meaning: Long distance relationship, After a long time in your distance relationship, now it’s the time for the big decision. Moving in closer to each other or moving in together, before you do all this have a clear talk with the other person to see what will happen and your opportunity if you decide to move to her/his town. If you both make a commitment you should try to help the other person feel as comfortable in their potential new environment as possible.
Ldr problems
If the other person moves to your town, and is not happy with his/her life, you might drift apart and the relationship might end, therefore always try to make the other person happy and make them see that they made the right decision, talk about the positive aspect of the town you want them to move to, things and activities they could do, including potential job opportunities, because let’s be real on this one, if the other person cannot get a job in the town they decide to move to with you, the relationship might go very sore, as the other person might feel worthless and might decide to move back to his/her town.
ldr tips
And also try to find out if the person still feels the same about you, as talking from my personal experience you don’t want to move to for example Paris to be with your partner, and be dumped the next day as your partner was seeing someone else behind your back, therefore always make sure that you know if you both feel the same for each other. Think before you make this big step as sometimes it might be the wrong move, analyse the for and against and if possible have a ”trial period” when both of you live together and you stay in that town for a period of time to see if you’ll like it. As said before long distance is like any other relationship, so if you want to make it work you can.
Related articles
- Can Long Distance Relationships Work? (everythinggirlslove.com)
- Long Distance Works (realityofateen.wordpress.com)
- Long Distance Relationships (mattchung94.wordpress.com)
- Long distance relationships and why they can work. (stateofgrace93.wordpress.com)
- LDR Why Not??????? (3despikipbojonegoro.wordpress.com)
- Long Distance Relationship Tips: Making It Work (slausonnation.wordpress.com)
- Long Distance Relationships – They’re Possible! (hopscotchandhappiness.wordpress.com)
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