Why love is complicated

Why love is complicated, pink rose, rose

Love is complicated but why?

Why love is complicated. Is a question many people always ask themselves. We fall in love with someone, we are not sure of our feelings. In some cases, the other person does not feel the same or is interested but cannot commit, or they are already in another relationship and cannot commit to us. Love is indeed complicated as it involves the feeling of two people who should understand one another and be able to communicate effectively how they feel in order to continue living together or still be in a relationship.

Examples of complicated love situation

  • Many times the complication arose from a lack of understanding, so therefore always ask yourself what attracted you to the person in the 1st place, is it due to their physique or something else, in many cases the complication arose due to the fact that after a while we realized that sometimes we only loved the person in front of us without actually investigating and trying to understand who they are inside.
  • Another part of the complication arises when the person we fall in love with also wants the same but cannot commit to us. Which is one of the most painful aspect? Although we feel that this person is the person we should be with. The person seems to have issued committing to us which had further points to the complication in love. Why can’t this person be with us without all the complication? Many questions always rise up.
  • One of the most challenging relationships is what some call a “friends with benefits” situation. It’s often confused for an open relationship, but in reality it can wreak havoc on your mind and body (not to mention their feelings). The truth is that this type of agreement only results in more hurt than pleasure because you’re not really friends anymore; just two people who use each other for sexual gratification without any emotional attachment or commitment whatsoever.
  • There are many reasons for having a secret relationship, and none of them are good ones.
    One can imagine how difficult it would be to keep up an illicit romance when one’s own ethnicity or religion has rules against such behavior. Or perhaps the two people in question have jobs with conflicting hours that make meeting each other impossible without sneaking around behind their boss’ backs. It takes finesse just getting together at all! As if matters weren’t complicated enough already by our modern day technology-driven world where smartphones track everything we do thanks to GPS tracking systems built into mobile devices…
  • No one really knows what it’s like to have a crush on someone who is already married. The sense of knowing that you can never be with the person, and yet still being drawn towards them against your better judgment, leaves us in an unpleasant limbo position where we don’t know which path will lead us away from this dilemma- at least not until after the affair has been told by everyone because there’s no other way to handle these things. It puts his marriage as well as your friendship with her wife into jeopardy if he finds out about it or she does too for some reason (and they both could).
  • Some people enjoy pretending to be someone they’re not. For example, some couples might pretend that their fame is different from the truth in order for them to maintain anonymity when out and about. Other times, this play-acting will take place at the beginning of a relationship where you want your partner’s approval with who you are – which can sometimes lead into other problems down the line as well.
  • It’s always difficult to handle a crush on your best friend, but it can be even more challenging if you’re the one who has that feeling. Not only are there feelings of guilt and fear from betraying their trust; you also risk losing them as a friend completely due to miscommunication or an awkward conversation. Thankfully, with some careful planning and consideration for both parties involved – this is not something that cannot work out in the end!
  • One type of complicated love situation is the “Comfortable” relationship. This happens when two people are perfectly fine, staying together even though they don’t have an abundance of chemistry and their sex life gets the job done. The person you’re with generally likes themselves too – meaning that this isn’t a toxic or destructive relationship it’s just not exciting either
  • Mild-mannered relationships can be really nice sometimes because there will never be drama from your partner over small things like dishes in the sink but at other times one might start to feel suffocated by being so completely content all day long
  • Love can be a complicated situation, especially circumstantial love. Circumstantial love is when one person feels too guilty to leave the other, even if they no longer have feelings for them and want out of the relationship. They may do things like provide caretaking or support in times of need because it’s just so easy! If you’re wondering whether your take on this type of connection has any merit – think about what we said…

    One of the last points, I would like to raise is the complicated aspect of the person we would like to be with but is already is a relationship, complicated case indeed. Although we feel that this person will be the best in our life, we need him/her in our everyday life but we realized we can never be with them. At this point, we realize how heartbroken we are.

Should I give up on love?

“But is it worth the time and effort?” you wonder. Love can be complicated, but what other reward has there ever been for all that patience than to find someone who truly gets you?