A relationship break-up is always a sad moment, when two people who had so much in common at first, decide to go their separate ways. But before this a few people also try to have a short break to find themselves again, whether they are not sure any more of their feelings for the other person or need to be by themselves as they are having a stressful period in their lives. And although they still have feelings for the other person decide to take sometime apart. But before taking that short break, there are many questions you have to ask yourself:
- Is the break necessary or will a discussion solve the problem?
- Why do you want to have a break?
- How long are you planning to have that break?
- Did you first discuss the problem with your partner?
Most of the times those small breaks do more damage to a relationship than any good. Your partner might even say that they do not believe in small breaks, and will rather end the relationship. Also that small break could be the end of your relationship as during a break your partner might be tempted to see other people as they are “officially single”. Another important point could be the damage it will do to your relationship, will the other person forgive you for this break? Therefore it’s very important to proceed carefully before making your decision, as that particular break could end up as a final relationship break.
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- Saving A Relationship – Communication Is The Key (healthstream.typepad.com)
- Truth vs Myth: Speaking During a “Break” Defeats the Purpose (everythinggirlslove.com)
- Break or Break Up… (heyyungluv.wordpress.com)
- Relationships Weren’t Meant To Be Easy (corynikkel.com)
- Challenges In Relationships (swamyman123.wordpress.com)
- He Said, She Said: Taking a Break During a Marriage (thehudsucker.com)