Here is a list of 10 Things not to do after a relationship break up:
- Do not try to take revenge even if you were cheated on, no matter how tempting it is, karma always does a good job
- Do not stalk your partner on facebook or anywhere else, you will give him/her a valid reason indeed to have dumped you
- Do not go around and talk about how bad they were in bed, respect still have to be given
- If you lived together, try to share what you bought together accordingly and not take half of the bed, to teach him/her a lesson
- Do not phone him or her 65,000 in a year: Here is a great example
- Do not destroy his/her private property (car or other)
- Do not beg them to take you back, If they wanted to be part of your life they will have stayed
- Do not go around town and accuse them of things they never done to you (physical or emotional abuse) as once the accusations are revealed to be false, your own credibility among friends will go.
- Do not be bitter that he/she may have found a new partner, think of yourself first
- Do not try to destroy their new relationship by spreading lies or flirting with them, try to find a partner of your own, and move on with your life.
Related articles
- 5 Bad Reasons to Break Up (richysheart.com)
- 10 Things I Hate About You (lildeeptea.wordpress.com)
- How To Tell If Someone Is Right For You (thoughtcatalog.com)
- Poly Means Many: What is cheating? (stavvers.wordpress.com)
- Keeping or Tossing the Relationship (annarosemeeds.wordpress.com)
- Help – I need to break up with my girlfriend (appie3.wordpress.com)
- 7 Ways To Improve Your Single Life by Myrto Saget (gpsyourpurpose.com)
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